
Do You Desire God?

To be a disciple or follower of Christ, Jesus said that you must first sit down and count the cost (Luke 14:28). The Christian life is by no means the easy life. It is a life of joy, no doubt, but it is joy in knowing the Savior of your soul. Consider today if you have ever counted the cost of being a follower of Jesus Christ, and if not, ask him right now for “his terms of peace” — and the Bible promises that he will hear and answer your prayer (Romans 10:9). Do you desire God?


Preachers We Like Sunday School Videos

It’s All About Christ

Here’s a video from Paul Washer that we watched this past Sunday Morning @ Cross-Training. It rocked us. Hope it rocks you. It is, indeed, all about Christ…


Recent Good Stuff

Death – Sermon Jam by Paul Washer

This video is amazingly powerful. Jesus is such a mighty King, and such a great Savior!
