
  • Grace in Practice Youth Conference

    Last weekend we took our youth to a one-day youth conference in Elizabethtown, Ky. at Elizabethtown Baptist Church.

    At the conference our youth attended four breakout sessions in which they were taught about grace and God’s unconditional love for us. These breakout sessions covered Grace in Dating, Grace in Suffering, Grace in Family Life, Grace in School/Work, and the Theology of Grace. There our youth were able to fellowship with other youth from churches from Kentucky and Alabama. We ended the day with a group prayer time in which we prayed for all the churches that attended the event, missions that our churches are connected to, and the sick and lost people in each of our lives. It was a great experience for our youth and we are hoping to have another event like this in the near future.

  • Who is this Jesus?

    When I was brought on as youth pastor I had one objective- be clear about the gospel! This is the most vital thing I could do for the life of our church. Zealous for the the clarity of the gospel I spent several weeks unpacking the truth that is the power of God unto salvation.

    As I concluded that series I wanted the students to have a clear and informed understanding of the Lord Jesus Christ. So, I began a series entitled: Who is this Jesus? This series is a verse by verse teaching of the Gospel According to Mark. The author leaves no room for curiosity as to whom the book will be about. Verse one states clearly, “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” How about that! Already, in verse one the reader has a phenomenal understanding of who Jesus is. He is the Christ, the Son of God. Furthermore, the book will be the gospel or “good news” of this man named Jesus. My prayer is that I will be faithful to the text in giving the students a correct picture of Jesus.

    Up to Date

    Tonight we continued our study of the Gospel of Mark as we looked at Mark 1:21-28. The author recounts an event in the life of  Jesus that would be any horror movie to shame. Jesus is confronted in the synagogue by a man with an unclean spirit. A clearer contrast could not be found: Jesus the Son of God, who had just had the Spirit of God descend like a dove upon Him in verse 10 was confronted by a man with a “unclean” spirit. Nothing could be considered more ungodly than something “unclean” (just read the Old Testament). So, this is the setting: Jesus astonishing the congregation huddled in the synagogue with his authoritative teaching when an unclean spirit cries out. “What have you to do with  us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are–the Holy One of God.” (Mark 1:24) The spirit knew Jesus to the extent that the spirit declares what Jesus will do: destroy demons. The spirit knew that the Kingdom had come and that Jesus would ultimately wipe them out.

    Jesus responds with one powerful sentence, ” Be silent, and come out of him!” (Mark 1:25) Then something remarkable follows- the unclean spirit leaves the man. What did Jesus do to remove the unclean spirit? Did he use a special potion? Did he use a particular prop? No, Jesus only spoke a command and the spirit obeyed. Jesus’ word was his action. We see this same concept when He called Simon, Andrew, James,  and John. Jesus says, “Follow me,” then the immediate response of the disciples was the drop their nets and follow Jesus. This shows us the utterly unique authority of Jesus! He speaks as to act and everything must obey! What an amazing Lord!

    If Jesus is authoritative it means that we must do what he says. Furthermore, it is good for us to do what he says. What an amazing concept: it is what we must do and it is the best thing for us! Amen! So, trust in the Jesus who has authority above all! What is sin, pain, family problems, and addictions to the one who speaks and even the unclean spirits obey! Go to Jesus, it is what we must do and it is the best thing we could ever do.

  • teach the Bible

    We have built our Youth Ministry on teaching the Word of God. Over the last 7 plus years, it has been our top priority to get the many Youth of Fairdale a Bible and then begin teaching it to them verse by verse and book by book. We thank God that its not really “our” ministry but instead “His work”. We are thankful that He has brought many young people to us, and we hope He will continue using us to see their lives changed for the good.

    Please click this link to read a good article on teaching the Bible to youth verse by verse. It is called “Your Students Can Handle Expository Preaching.”

  • Easter Egg (Hiding) Hunt!

    Get your friends, and come up to Church at 10am on Saturday morning to help hide a whole bunch of Easter Eggs for the wee ones to find at 11:30! If enough people want to, we’ll go hang out at Tom Wallace Park afterwards! It’s gonna be a blast. Be there!



  • Is Jesus Just Your Facebook Friend?

    Friend requests, pokes, wall-to-wall, and messages? Facebook lingo aside, there would be something very disturbing if Jesus was just your “facebook friend”. If you’re on facebook long enough, you’ll probably end up with a person or two on your “friend” list that you’ve either never met, or you met one time and have forgotten who they are.

    It’s kind of a weird situation. You know their name, you know what they look like, you know their “info”, and you know who they are friends with — but you don’t really know them. It’s the appearance of a relationship without the reality of it. If you’re not careful, the Bible says, you can deceive yourself into thinking you know Christ when he is really nothing more to you than a random facebook friend. You can go to church a long time and be at all the youth events — and know a whole lot of things about Christ; without really knowing Him as a Lord and Savior. “On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’” (Matthew 7:22-23)

    There are few things more embarrassing than forgetting someone’s name who is your facebook “friend”. But as embarrassing as that is for you, it’s still better than thinking you’re someone’s friend and you’re really not. That’s the kind of deal we are talking about here. It takes more than knowing the story of Christ or knowing things about Him to really call yourself a Christian. To be a Christian requires a change of heart and a response of faith. Jesus doesn’t want to be your facebook friend, he wants to be your Lord and Savior.

    And that is what his life and death were all about — making a way for sinful man to be reunited with a holy God. At the end of the day, knowing Jesus like a facebook friend will leave you “separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world.” (Ephesians 2:12) But there’s good news! It doesn’t have to be that way. For “now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. ” (Ephesians 2:13) When you repent of your sins and place your faith in Christ, He doesn’t come to live in your computer — He comes to live in your heart. And that’s enough to change your status forever…

  • You were owed Hell, but you got Heaven: the root of Humility in Jesus Christ

    Few things in the Christian life are harder to grow but more important to have than humility. This is sometimes even harder (and yet even more important) as a young person. We live in a world that exalts pride as good, and tells us continually what we “deserve” out of life, out of friends, and out of relationships. But what the world is telling us couldn’t be farther from the Truth. God says, “Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, forGod opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you…” 1 Peter 5:5-6.

    So what does true humility look like? These two videos might help shed a little light:



  • Catechism in Rap

    My boy Shai Linne demonstrates how Catechisms can be rapped, and the Truth be told in short “questions and answers”. You youth, learn and be encouraged.


  • Personal Spiritual Disciplines

    Drew started teaching tonight a series on the personal “spiritual disciplines” of the Christian faith. Simply put, we’re learning how to use the gifts that God has given us to grow and look more like Christ. It’s going to be an amazing time to get your questions answered, and be encouraged and equipped for living the Christian life as a teenager in today’s world. Don’t miss it next week.

    Be here,