Orphan Sunday School

Orphan Sponsorship: Starting this Sunday

Along with our new Cross Training series that’s beginning this Sunday morning, we’ve decided as a Sunday School class to sponsor an orphan through Compassion International‘s sponsorship program (we got the confirmation today!). Y’all know that it’s extremely easy to go through every day of our busy lives and forget that there is a huge world out there that Jesus loves just as much as he loves Fairdale, Ky. In 3 John 1:4, the apostle John says that he has “no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” John shows the rest of the church what God’s heart is for all people — to walk in the truth, by worshiping Jesus Christ as risen Savior and King. Children in particular have a special place in Jesus’ heart and so they should have a special place in our hearts as well. When the disciples tried to stop a group of little children from getting to Jesus one day, he rebuked them saying “”Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19:14)  I hope and pray that as a class and as a Church this step in serving and loving “the least of these” will set fire to our hearts, and give an unrelenting passion to love well, love often, and love for the glory of Christ.


P.S. – Youth, don’t forget: bring 50¢ to Church on Sunday so we can start raising our money for this month!
