Summer Interns - Who?


This is Chassity Arnold. She is sixteen years old. She is a junior at Butler Traditional High School. She is pretty much awesome at everything she does.

-The End!

Summer Interns - Who?


Dalton is a 17 year old male that attends Louisville Male High School and will be a Senior in the fall.  He enjoys laying by the pool and soaking up the rays. Crocodile Dundee is his role model so he likes to wrestle crocodiles and wear Australian style hats in his spare time. On Thursday nights he plays mens league softball and is the homerun leader this season.

Summer Interns - Who?

Summer Interns ’09

Summer is here and there is more excitement than ever at FBC Fairdale!  God the Father has been working mightily within the youth group during the past school year and now we move to the summer where God so often does miraculous things in youth ministry.  We are excited to see God grow and sanctify our youth as well as save those who may be lost!

This summer we are honored have to three awesome youth interns.  The three interns are Dalton Stivers (17), Brigette Bailey (16), and Chassity Arnold (16).  These students will be working alongside Josh and Drew this summer as they will be discipled intensely taking a deep look at the word of God.  The Great Commission in Matthew 28:16 has given every Christian a mandate to make disciples and teach them all Christ has commanded us.  That is our goal.  As these interns are discipled our hope is that they will become atomic missiles for the kingdom of God and reproduce their faith with those around them.

These students were chosen because of their leadership qualities including; teachability, servant attitude, and a desire to exalt Christ.  By God’s grace our youth group will grow and be strengthened by the efforts of the interns.  Please remember them in your prayers as we strive together to exalt Christ!


Camp 2006!

Camp 2006!

Think back, guys! It only seems like yesterday when we took a big crowd of 22 people to the Carolina’s to enjoy the beautiful beach & youth camp!

All of us gathered on the beach!showing off our personalized tees!


Quote for today!

JGreene provides our quote of the day!

With Pastor Josh in India we were excited to have Josh Greene preach to the church!

until this…

“well, i guess using bob cats would be more better… -silence- sorry, i’m trying to get over the fact that i said ‘more better'”


Bible Study Blogs

Romans Series

Romans 1
Everyone knows that there is a God.

Romans 2
We are all guilty before that God.

Romans 3
We are all sinners.

Romans 4
Justified by Faith.

Romans 5
Jesus brought us to God.

Romans 6
Sin=Death, Jesus=Life

Romans 7
The law is and shows us we are bad.

Romans 8
God’s children are not condemned.

Romans 9

Romans 10
Righteousness for everyone who believes.

Romans 11
Everyone can be included.

Romans 12
Transform and not conform.

Romans 13
Respect Authority

Romans 14
Don’t judge because you are not God.

Romans 15
Unity in the body is important.

Romans 16
Greet and Love everyone.

Bible Study Blogs

Give yourself!

For whatever reason, we havent been meeting as often as we normally do.  Or maybe, I was just gone some.

Either way….we are back on track now.

Last wednesday night, we broke it down nicely and got in to the idea of giving. Not so much giving money or things, but giving ourselves.  What a thought…..have you given yourself fully to God?

Acts 20:35 Paul quotes Jesus saying “it is more blessed to give than to recieve.”We looked at that passage, we watched a video, and then we were challenged to give ourselves.

Paul says he does not count his life as worth anything.

Where are the young people who love Jesus and want to give their all to Christ?

I know they are out there…Jesus always has a following.  Lets rise up and give ourselves to His purposes for His glory!

Quote for today!

birth of the King!

“the baby in the womb, he was the maker of the moon, he was the author of the faith, he could make the mountains move.”    -Andrew Peterson

Quote for today!

peanut butter???

“Peanut butter is a meat! It has lots of protein.”  -LJ

Bible Study Blogs Recent Good Stuff

Apostle = One Sent!

This past Wednesday, the YouthRoom was loaded with intensity over the Scriptures.  We intended to study Mark 3:22-30 concerning the unpardonable sin (blasphemy of the Holy Spirit), but we never got to it.  We got stuck on the passage before that which deals with the calling of the Twelve apostles.